mother’s day

Mother’s Day Poem: Creative Love

Mother’s Day Poem: Creative Love

Mother's day poems are about celebrating mom's love, work and endless creativity: Mother, you channel life. From creative wombs, countless designs. A princess, a queen with power born. Nature and merit secure your throne. Mother, through you the source of love is endless, and pushing forth. Why through great pain, producing life. Nurturing goddess, you are divine. Madre, within your heart my own heart rests... in peace survives. For when my world seems not so bright, there you are surely to hold me tight. Mother, if words could tell of such a love; there would be one poem retold by…
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Of cold dinners: A mother’s work never ends

Of cold dinners: A mother’s work never ends

When my mother flew from the Caribbean to care for me after labor, she would not stop giving me advice. She made a point to pass on what my grandmother taught her: "a mother's work never ends, she eats when she's no longer hungry, she sleeps when she's no longer sleepy... a mother's life is one of patience and sacrifice." I heard as I rolled my eyes during my first week of recovery,  refusing to let go of my life as I knew it and crying in the shower in confusion and fear at the daunting task before me. Why…
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