Dar muela

Literal translation: to give tooth

Meaning: to use nice words and chivalry to gain the favor of a female, to court someone this way. This term is often used to refer to men who don’t have much else to offer but are good at making girls fall in love with them because of their courting skills. A man who “gives tooth” is called a “muelú”.

Significado: dícese del hombre que enamora a una chica con el uso de sus palabras y su trato, especialmente si no tiene mucho más que ofrecer. Dicho hombre que “da muela” es llamado un “muelú”.

Use: colloquial

By Antonia S.

I founded this site to share my culture and the dishes I love. My native Dominican Republic, family ties to China, and travels near and far inspire my recipes. Enjoy and SHARE! Fundé biteslife.com para compartir mi cultura y los platos que me gustan. Mi tierra nativa, la República Dominicana, lazos familiares de la China y mis viajes por el mundo son la inspiración para mis recetas. Disfrute y comparte!

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