Beauty and health bites

The no nonsense diet: watch what you eat

The no nonsense diet: watch what you eat

You see them everywhere: articles, books and programs suggesting you will be able to lose weight without changing your eating habits. Some ask you to modify your diet for a while, but promise you can get back to eating that delicious cake you crave in no time. These programs must assume that in the process of dieting, your will power will undergo a drastic transformation that will keep you from craving more chocolate after you eat the first piece of congratulatory pie for the 10 pounds you shed. Here is my two cents: it will not happen! The subject of…
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Beauty tricks – Part I

Beauty tricks – Part I

Here are some beauty tricks I've collected over the years that have served me well. DISCLAIMER: Product comments are based on actual use. I am not a doctor and comments written below should not be taken as medical advice. I'll start with the most basic skin care: SKIN: Wear your skin (not your makeup) as much as you can get away with it. Make up actually worsens most skin issues and the less you put on in the morning, the less you'll have to take off in the evening. If you're single and crashing random places at the wee hours…
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Yoga for pregnancy

Yoga for pregnancy

I have practiced yoga every week now for close to five years and my routine is very much a part of my life. Once expecting, I got some yoga for pregnancy DVD's, and I believe practicing them have made a big difference in the way my pregnancy has progressed. Yoga is a great mom-to-be exercise because it can be gentle enough for someone who has less energy or vigorous enough to give you a full body workout, not to mention a peaceful mind. A challenge for me was finding good yoga pants for pregnant women at a good price, but…
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All natural, homemade cold remedies

All natural, homemade cold remedies

So, you caught a cold and would rather not take meds. Good for you! But, when you start feeling miserable you would likely wish you had that cold med for relief. Not to worry. Here are three all natural, homemade cold remedies that can help battle your cold. Here they are, directly from my grandmother's kitchen. Please see medical disclaimer at the end of this post. You will want to start with a hot cup of tea. There is plenty of tea for sale at the supermarket, but if you do not get the all-natural brands, you might be sipping…
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The healing properties of Aloe vera

The healing properties of Aloe vera

It wasn't just one of grandma's stories or the way mom got back at me for misbehaving by making me chew aloe crystals with honey when I had a cold... there's more to sábila than meets the eye. The healing properties of Aloe Vera are many, detailed below: Plant Source: Aloe barbadensis Miller (Family Liliaceae). Part Used: Leaf gel. Properties: Healing, pain-relieving, emollient, soothing, anti-inflammatory. Most Common Traditional Uses: Internal - General tonic, cleanser, detoxifier. External - Minor burns, sunburn, eczema, psoriasis, skin irritations, insect bites, minor cuts, scratches and wounds. Read more here. Picture credits: mom's backyard.
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Recién nacidos: rituales y supersticiones

Recién nacidos: rituales y supersticiones

Una de mis primas acaba de tener gemelas idénticas. Dos perlitas dulcísimas (que Dios se las bendiga!). Hoy las fui a visitar y antes de ir ya me estaban advirtiendo: si tengo la menstruación no puedo cargarlas si he cogido sereno tampoco si les tiro un piropo debo decir "Que Dios las bendiga" o les cae mal de ojo si de casualidad les da hipo, debo ponerles un hilito con saliva en la frente Ok, voy preparada con las informaciones necesarias para conocer a mis primitas y cuando llego me informan de que a las bebas las van a "ensalmar"…
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