Year: 2007

Ramen noodles with vegetables and tofu

Ramen noodles with vegetables and tofu

This ramen noodles recipe includes your choice of ramen, plus vegetables and tofu. Easy print recipe included. Ramen noodles are a staple for many American college kids. I had my shared of ramen in college and many years later, I still like to have them from time to time for a quick lunch. Add plenty of vegetables, left over meat or tofu to turn them into a full meal. Picking the trans fat and MSG-free ramen ensures a guilt-free noodle treat. Serves one person. Double-up for two. Ramen noodles with vegetables and tofu 1 pack of ramen noodles1 cup of…
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Spicy chicken stir fry

Spicy chicken stir fry

This spicy chicken stir fry uses hot chili sauce and includes tomato among other vegetables for a juicy, satisfying meal. I love stir-fry! Combining flavors and colors in one dish is very appealing. I also enjoy the combination of vegetables and meat. Add a side of white rice and you are good to go. Although tomatoes are not common in traditional Chinese stir fries, I like to add them from time to time to achieve a saucier stir fry without adding water. Besides, the red hues in colorful tomatoes make great contrast against the green broccoli. Your eyes will thank…
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El Niágara en bicicleta

El Niágara en bicicleta

Nothing more poetic than social commentary to the cadence of Merengue. This song titled "Crossing Niagara on a Bike" is a metaphor to the state of public health care in the Dominican Republic and the scarcity of the most basic instruments in public hospitals. Although the song was written in the late 90's, not much has changed. To a land who can dance its laments, to sense and social sensibility. El Niagara en Bicicleta - Juan Luis Guerra Me dio una sirimba un domingo en la mañana cuando menos lo pensaba caí redondo, como una guanábana, sobre la alcantarilla será…
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Every drop makes a ripple: How your life can impact others

Every drop makes a ripple: How your life can impact others

I met a friend for BBQ and wine this evening. I hadn’t seen him much in close to three years. Out of the blue, he mentions how in the brief time he'd met me, he’d learned how to make rice "the right way"; and I considered how I have actually heard that from a few other people before. While in college, I remember running for Diversity Chair in the student senate. I had actually not made much effort to make many friends up until that point, and I hardly thought anyone was paying attention to the campaign. Then, one day…
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The healing properties of Aloe vera

The healing properties of Aloe vera

It wasn't just one of grandma's stories or the way mom got back at me for misbehaving by making me chew aloe crystals with honey when I had a cold... there's more to sábila than meets the eye. The healing properties of Aloe Vera are many, detailed below: Plant Source: Aloe barbadensis Miller (Family Liliaceae). Part Used: Leaf gel. Properties: Healing, pain-relieving, emollient, soothing, anti-inflammatory. Most Common Traditional Uses: Internal - General tonic, cleanser, detoxifier. External - Minor burns, sunburn, eczema, psoriasis, skin irritations, insect bites, minor cuts, scratches and wounds. Read more here. Picture credits: mom's backyard.
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Rant: the cleaning lady

Rant: the cleaning lady

Words repeated ad nauseam in this post: perfect stranger, cleaning lady, god forbid. It's not just that I'm fundamentally against a perfect stranger going through my most personal things, but also that I resent the colonialist aspect of paying someone to clean my house. That said, those of us with office jobs have better things to do than mop the marble tiles, bleach the bath tub or dust the oak furniture twice a week, because god forbid someone visits you and the place is not impeccable! So, my mixed feelings about cleaning ladies are something I usually keep to myself…
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Recién nacidos: rituales y supersticiones

Recién nacidos: rituales y supersticiones

Una de mis primas acaba de tener gemelas idénticas. Dos perlitas dulcísimas (que Dios se las bendiga!). Hoy las fui a visitar y antes de ir ya me estaban advirtiendo: si tengo la menstruación no puedo cargarlas si he cogido sereno tampoco si les tiro un piropo debo decir "Que Dios las bendiga" o les cae mal de ojo si de casualidad les da hipo, debo ponerles un hilito con saliva en la frente Ok, voy preparada con las informaciones necesarias para conocer a mis primitas y cuando llego me informan de que a las bebas las van a "ensalmar"…
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