Month: May 2012

Plátano maduro no vuelve a verde

Plátano maduro no vuelve a verde

Literal translation: a ripe plantain won’t go back to green. This idiom is rooted in a merengue song by the same title made popular in the 80’s by Nelson Cordero “El Varón”. The entire phrase goes “a green plantain won’t go back to green, and time that’s gone won’t come back”. Meaning: time wasted is gone, seize the moment, or don’t dwell on the past. Significado: no pierdas el tiempo, vive el momento, o no te aferres al pasado. Uso: general
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Planta de sábila. Cultivada en los patios de algunos hogares dominicanos, la sábila se usa por sus propiedades ornamentales y curativas (para curar heridas, quemaduras, picaduras de insectos y en brevages para curar la gripe junto con miel de abeja). Aloe Vera Tree. Grown in some Dominican households, aloe vera is valued for its ornamental and healing properties. It is used to heal wounds, burns, insect bites and in liquid concoctions meant to treat chest congestion).
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Sacar pies

Sacar pies

Literal translation: to take out the feet Meaning: refers to friendships - to stop seeing someone/hanging out frequently, to suddenly begin ignoring someone who used to hang out a lot with, to ignore or avoid them. Significado: ignorar o dejar de frecuentar un amigo/a al que se veía frecuentemente. Dejar de hablarle a alguien si dar una razón. Use: general, colloquial
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Chivo guisado, arroz, yuca y ensalada. Mmmmmmm!!! Braised goat, white rice, boiled yucca root and salad. Yum!
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Métele lápiz

Métele lápiz

Literal translation: give it a pencil. Meaning: calculate it, do the math. Significado: calcúlalo. Use: colloquial, urban
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Se armó un reperpero

Se armó un reperpero

Meaning: things became chaotic, disorganized. The crowd went crazy. Significado: se armó un lío o un desorden. Use: colloquial, general
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Arbol de guineo. Jarabacoa, República Dominicana. Banana tree. Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic.
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